Some situations in life change your world forever. Being unexpectedly pregnant is life-altering, and choosing what to do next can be too. We offer medically accurate education so that you can make an informed choice regarding the future of your pregnancy.

What Are My Options?

You have three. Take your time to learn as much as possible about each one.


When your pregnancy is unplanned, you may think abortion is your only option. Before you choose abortion, learn more about the different methods, side effects, and potential risks.

Abortion is more than a physical choice. It’s also an emotional decision. Talk with us about what to expect to see if it’s the right decision for you. Schedule your appointment today.

Make An Adoption Plan

Placing your child for adoption may be an option you hadn’t considered. There are a lot of myths surrounding the adoption process. Adoption can indeed be an emotionally difficult decision, but it also has many rewards.

Depending on your adoption plan, you select the parents to raise your child, and you can begin building a connection even before your child is born. We can provide excellent referrals to agencies in our area.


Don’t let the idea of parenting scare you. There are many resources through our community and us to assist you. Parenting is a challenge, but it is also very rewarding.

Contact us, and let us show you what’s available to help you parent. We’ll be here to walk alongside you in your parenting journey too.

What’s The Best Choice For Me?

Only you can determine what’s right for you and your future. No one can legally force you to make a decision you don’t want to make. Our registered nurses are prepared to provide you with as much information as you need to make a confident, empowered decision.

Let’s talk about your options to determine what’s best for you.

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