For Men
We’re Here For You Too
Your partner has just announced she’s pregnant. How can one word make such a difference in a person’s life? Pregnant? You’re probably feeling dazed, confused, and angry. Now, what should you do?
When it comes to making a pregnancy decision, your voice matters. Here are some steps you may want to take:
Step One
Before you both worry about her decision, verify the pregnancy first. Come to Life’s Choices Women’s Clinic for no-cost pregnancy testing and ultrasound. Home pregnancy tests are reliable, but you need a second opinion.
An ultrasound reveals if her pregnancy is viable (growing with a detectable heartbeat) or if she’s had a miscarriage. We always ask if your partner would like you to join her for the ultrasound.
Step Two
Meet with a Male Advocate. You can review her test results and discuss your options.
Step Three
Support her to help reach a decision together. Your voice matters, and she needs to hear from you.
Taking Care of You
Although our name is Women’s Clinic, we offer services for men too.
STD/STI Testing
Anyone sexually active should be tested for sexually transmitted diseases/infections (STDs/STIs) regularly. Many people in the early stages of an STD/STI don’t experience symptoms. Often, without symptoms, they don’t get tested, but early screening is essential to prevent complications later on. With or without symptoms, the disease can still spread from person to person.
At Life’s Choices, we offer men and women no-cost and confidential testing for chlamydia and gonorrhea, two of the most common STIs.
Practical Fatherhood
Our fatherhood program, Men MENtoring Men, begins during the first medical appointment. Men MENtoring Men is the opportunity for you to meet with a male advocate to discuss your feelings about becoming a dad.
We help dads look at their experience with their fathers, learn the skills needed to be a great dad, and better understand the vital role a dad plays in the life of his children. Additionally, we discuss aspects of the mother-father relationship as it relates to parenting.
You can also receive no-cost options counseling in an atmosphere of acceptance and safety. Life’s Choices is the place to share your fears and gain confidence.