Why Talk to Us About Abortion?

Many options exist for women with unplanned pregnancies, and for good reason. You’re likely feeling uncertain and nervous. Know that you aren’t the first to experience these emotions; this news can be daunting, and you may be unsure what to do.  If you are considering abortion, don’t rush into a decision. Life’s Choices Women’s Clinic

How Can I Recover Emotionally After an Abortion?

Abortion can be a significant life event for many women. If you’ve had one, you may be struggling mentally and wondering how you’ll be able to recover. Take a deep breath and remind yourself that you aren’t alone. Some resources can help you through this challenging time, and your local pregnancy center can likely offer

3 Things Needed Before Abortion

If you have an unplanned pregnancy, you may already know which option is best for you, such as abortion. Perhaps you have already decided and don’t feel you need additional information. But verifying health details and researching your options will help you make a more confident decision.  Even if you’re considering abortion, ensure you protect

Is Abortion or Adoption Right for Me?

Choosing to have an abortion or place your child in an adoptive family can seem impossible, especially if you feel many factors are out of your control. That’s why you must get the information you need to make an informed decision and receive all the facts about these options.  Making this decision can be daunting,

What Are the Signs of an Incomplete Abortion?

Like many procedures, abortion has risks that all women should know about, especially those undergoing one. One of these risks is an incomplete abortion, which is when some of the pregnancy tissue remains in the uterus following the procedure. Incomplete abortions are dangerous when left untreated and always require further medical treatment. Any woman can

What Are the Different Types of Abortion?

There are two main types of abortion, medical and surgical. The abortion method varies by pregnancy, how long the woman has been pregnant, and her health history.  Both medical and surgical abortions carry risks, like any medical procedure. The best way a woman can protect her health when choosing abortion is by being informed about

What Is a Medical Abortion?

You may have heard of a medical abortion, or medication abortion, before. Medical abortion is the process of removing a viable pregnancy with two medications, mifepristone and misoprostol. Mifepristone works by blocking progesterone and preventing the embryo from implanting. Misoprostol causes contractions in the uterus and expels both the embryo and remaining pregnancy tissue through

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