Florida’s Abortion Laws After the 2024 Election

Following the 2024 election, Florida’s abortion laws remain unchanged. A proposed amendment to add abortion to the state constitution did not pass, meaning the six-week abortion ban is still in effect.  If you are facing an unexpected pregnancy, understanding Florida’s current laws can help you navigate your next steps. Abortion Restricted After Six Weeks Florida’s

3 Things to Know About Florida’s Abortion Laws in 2025 

More than any election season before, Floridians heard all about abortion laws due to Amendment 4, the Right to Abortion Initiative. You may have seen advertisements everywhere and social media campaigns urging you to vote either “yes” or “no.” What happened? What does it mean for Florida? And what other things do you need to

What Are the Risks of Ordering the Abortion Pill Online?

Ordering the abortion pill online comes with additional risks to your health. Before making a decision, you should be aware of the facts. You owe it to yourself to assess these risks and consider how to protect your well-being. Life’s Choices Women’s Clinic will provide essential pregnancy and options information so you can make a

Reasons You Need an Ultrasound Before Abortion

An ultrasound is critical to protecting your health and gathering the information needed to make a pregnancy decision. If you are planning on having an abortion, this scan is an essential step before solidifying a plan. Life’s Choices Women’s Clinic provides limited ultrasounds to help you understand your pregnancy and options. We are here for

Can I Buy the Abortion Pill Online?

Yes, you can buy the abortion pill online. Known as “online abortion” or “mail-order abortion,” the process consists of ordering abortion drugs online and shipping them to your home. However, this decision comes with serious risks. Understanding these risks and your options will help you decide. We’ll explain “online abortion” and what you should consider

3 Things to Know if You Are Considering Mail-Order Abortion

You might have heard of mail-order abortion (also known as online abortion) before. This method involves purchasing abortion drugs online, which are then delivered to your door for you to take at home.  If you’re considering this option for your unplanned pregnancy, know that learning the facts and assessing your unique situation will help you

How Does an Ultrasound Work?

Ultrasound is a diagnostic scan that views the inside of your body via images on a screen. Healthcare providers use ultrasounds for various purposes, including monitoring your developing pregnancy and providing important details. Understanding how an ultrasound works can help you know what to expect when pregnant. And if you’re experiencing an unplanned pregnancy, Life’s

What Are the Warning Signs of Infection After Abortion?

Abortion is one option for an unplanned pregnancy, but like any medical procedure, it involves certain risks.  Before making a pregnancy decision, you should learn about all your options. And if you have had an abortion, it’s crucial to understand the warning signs of an infection so you can receive prompt medical treatment.  Life’s Choices

What is Ectopic Pregnancy?

Your health should be the priority when you’re navigating an unplanned pregnancy. It can be easy to start weighing your options, but you must protect your well-being and confirm critical details first. Before deciding, you should verify information like your pregnancy’s location. Some women experience an ectopic pregnancy—a life-threatening condition that requires treatment. A limited

Is an Online Abortion or At-Home Abortion Safe?

Online abortion (also known as at-home abortion) consists of two abortion drugs taken as a part of the medical abortion process. Pursuing this type of abortion can pose safety concerns and risks. Mifepristone is taken first, which blocks progesterone, a hormone needed for a pregnancy to grow. Second, misoprostol is taken, which causes cramping and

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