What About Parenting?

There’s no greater reward and no bigger challenge than being a parent. At Life’s Choices Women’s Clinic, our advocates can help you explore what pregnancy and parenting would look like.

We’ll show you the many resources available and assist you in overcoming the specific challenges you may face.

Ask Yourself These Questions

These may feel like impossible questions, but each one has an answer.

  • What if my partner doesn’t want the baby, but I do?
  • What do I tell my family?
  • How will I finish school?
  • Can I continue working?
  • Where will I live?
  • How do I pay for medical bills?
  • Can I afford a child?

We can talk through these questions and find a solution.

What Type Of Assistance Is Available?

Strive to Thrive

We offer no-cost parenting classes. Every expecting mom and dad can attend our Strive To Thrive classes. This program provides basic fundamentals of pregnancy, childbirth, child development, parenting skills, and more.

In addition, for every class you complete, you receive points toward “purchasing” items from our baby boutique. Get baby clothes, diapers, wipes, formula, and other baby necessities.

Community Resources

We understand you need more parenting resources than what we have to offer. We work with other local organizations to provide you with the assistance and financial resources to guide you into a stable future. 

We can connect you with local agencies that can also assist you with any medical or housing needs.

Talk With Us About Parenthood

Parenting is a challenge. Fortunately, there is help available. If you recently became pregnant and choose to parent your child, we can provide you with many referrals and resources. We want to help you become an equipped, successful parent.

Please schedule an appointment today to discuss your thoughts about parenting and your other options.

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