Yes, you can buy the abortion pill online. Known as “online abortion” or “mail-order abortion,” the process consists of ordering abortion drugs online and shipping them to your home. However, this decision comes with serious risks.

Understanding these risks and your options will help you decide. We’ll explain “online abortion” and what you should consider before deciding.

Keep reading to learn more.

Online Abortion: What You Should Know

Though you might have heard of online abortion as a convenient way to end a pregnancy, understanding the potential impacts on your health is crucial. This process does not include medical oversight, and you might not be eligible to take abortion drugs.

What the FDA Says

First, know that the FDA does not recommend purchasing abortion drugs online. These drugs’ safety and effectiveness cannot be guaranteed because the method bypasses safety standards that protect your health. 

Additionally, you could purchase these drugs from unregulated or overseas sources, so there’s no way to confirm whether you receive the correct dosage or type of drugs.

Abortion is a significant decision, and not everyone is eligible for the procedure. Medical abortion drugs are only FDA-approved through 10 weeks gestation. 

If you take these drugs without receiving an ultrasound, you won’t know how far along you are. Having a medical abortion past the recommended timeframe can create risks.

Medical Oversight Matters

Additionally, receiving proper medical oversight is critical when making an abortion decision. You should discuss your medical history with a healthcare provider so they can determine your eligibility and help you make an informed decision. 

Certain factors (like having an IUD currently in place or specific medical conditions) can make you ineligible for the procedure. What’s more, medical abortion drugs can cause risks like infection or heavy bleeding. You might not know what to look for if you purchase drugs online and take them at home.

If you are considering abortion, receiving an ultrasound and discussing your situation with a qualified healthcare provider are essential safety steps to take. We can help clarify your choices.

What We Offer

Life’s Choices Women’s Clinic is a licensed medical facility with qualified professionals who can answer your questions and provide valuable information. We offer services like limited ultrasound and options counseling to help you get the facts.

This is your decision, and we’re committed to your safety and well-being. To learn more, schedule a no-cost, confidential appointment.

Life’s Choices Women’s Clinic does not provide or refer for abortions. 

All abortion information sourced in this blog is based on accurate information at the time of writing.

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