You might have heard of mail-order abortion (also known as online abortion) before. This method involves purchasing abortion drugs online, which are then delivered to your door for you to take at home. 

If you’re considering this option for your unplanned pregnancy, know that learning the facts and assessing your unique situation will help you decide. Life’s Choices Women’s Clinic will provide the information you need to safeguard your health.

Book a no-cost, confidential appointment to learn more. In the meantime, keep reading to learn three critical things about mail-order abortion. 

1. Mail-order abortion is not FDA-recommended.

Though the FDA has recommended medical abortion through 10 weeks gestation, it does not advise purchasing those abortion drugs online. This is because it cannot guarantee the drugs’ quality or effectiveness, as the online process bypasses safety standards that protect your health.

The drugs used during a mail-order abortion often come from unregulated or overseas sources. This means you won’t know whether you’re receiving the correct dosage, instructions, or even the right drug.

2. Having a mail-order abortion does not include proper medical oversight.

During a mail-order abortion, you may purchase abortion drugs following a single telehealth appointment. This means that you could take the drugs without fully knowing the risks and side effects or whether you’re eligible to take them. 

Without knowing pregnancy details like how far along you are and considering information like current health conditions, you may take these drugs without fully understanding the impact on your health. Your well-being is the priority, and you deserve the facts before deciding. 

3. You should receive an ultrasound before considering any pregnancy option—including abortion.

You may wonder why you’d need an ultrasound if you’re considering abortion. Without this scan, you won’t know your eligibility for certain options, and certain conditions could go overlooked.

Ultrasound confirms whether your pregnancy is progressing, how far along you are, and if your pregnancy is located in your uterus. 

Some women experience a miscarriage (when their pregnancy has ended) or an ectopic pregnancy. The latter of these conditions requires immediate medical treatment to prevent complications. 

You owe it to yourself to stay safe and informed. We can help.

No-Cost Services

Life’s Choices Women’s Clinics provides limited ultrasounds and information about pregnancy options so you can make a confident decision. We care about your health and are committed to providing factual details about your pregnancy options.

Our medical staff is ready to answer your questions. Book a confidential appointment today.

Life’s Choices Women’s Clinic does not provide or refer for abortions.

All abortion information sourced in this blog is based on accurate information at the time of writing. 

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